
Friday, August 19, 2011

Lifes little handouts

We decided to go to the beach for a little vacation. Many projects were going to press, other deadlines were approaching fast and we have a 4 year old and a 10 month old to watch out for. Problem one was easily solved by wifi in the room, but if we didn't have that, you can always turn your iPhone into a wireless router. Only had to make a couple of changes and send it right out.

Other problem was how to get all of our junk and the kids down to the beach... The best solution was the Wondercart from Amazon! Free shipping and the best price. We carried (are you ready!?): sand toys, beach chairs, lunch, diapers and wipes, two umbrellas, the nook, snacks and other entertainment and that heavy pack and play. Worked like a charm!

Can't wait to try it out drain soon!
- sent from iPhone

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Another great little program called Cozi. You can download it to a Droid, iPhone and you can also access it from your computer. It includes grocery lists, calendars, & journals. Equipped with reminders and email notices so the whole family can stay on the same page. My husband can never say he didn't know about an event again. ;)

- sent from iPhone

Friday, August 5, 2011

The "perfect day"

Very thankful for the simple days when the kids are self entertained, clients are happy and my checklist is full of checks. (These days are not always common)

Might seem like a regular day for most, but for a work at home Mom, this is what you call a "perfect day".

- sent from iPhone

Monday, June 27, 2011

I LOVE Evernote!

I Love Evernote! It is every work-at-home-mom's dream! So many times I find myself making the same lists over and over because I can not remember where I left the note before. I used to use different note books for different parts of life. One for work, one for kids stuff, and one for house projects/bills/etc. Evernote lets you create many different notebooks for anything that you need to keep track of. It's GREAT!

All I have to do is start a new "note" on the computer or phone or nook and they all Sync. I prefer to start on the computer app first so I can add my check boxes. They carry over to the other electronics, but I can't put them in the list when creating it on the other two. It was a free App on my droid & Nook, so now I always have my to-do lists at hand! It's a true life saver for the unorganized scatter-brain!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The importance of a list...

Our house is not straight 80% of the time, but I have good intentions of getting to it. I create lists for each room, so the tasks don't seem so overwhelming. Instead of staring at the mound of shoes at the door, I focus on the bright yellow note (that I have passed 100 times already without cleaning up the shoes) and it seems like less of a task. I plan to tackle some of these lists by the weekend.

It's summer right now and our daughter is out of pre-school. She is too young for summer camps, and we are not the kind of people to follow the trend by enrolling our children in everything that everyone else is doing. Children do however need structure through out the year. In school or out of school, I honestly believe it makes a difference.

So along with daily craft time and outside adventures during the week, we created this Rewards chart. It gently reminds us and our daughter to do things like use manners and be a good listener. She has a rough time with that at times due to lack of sleep, which is why there is a written in check box for take a nap or rest. She did great in the 3 year old class at pre-school, but one area she needed work in was independence.

I drew each little icon down the side, since she can not read yet, to help her remember what each circle was for. This has helped her a great deal. She gets dressed by herself just about every day. It might be a sequin shirt and ladybug raincoat with hello kitty boots, but she's dressed and proud of it! At the end of each week if she has not received more than three X's she gets to pick out a sticker. Simple concept, great results! There is something powerful about getting a check for something. I know I feel great when I check something off my to-do list.

Yesterday she came to me with her own check list. (from left column to right column) Put her toys away, put her dishes away, feed the kitty, help herself, help her family, review her checklist. She made up the two about the cat & checklist. I think she just looks forward to those things... oh and helping herself too. Not sure what that one is, but it's cute.

They always say: "do as I say, not as I do". Children don't go by this rule at all, so we are forever trying to be better parents and better people at everything we do. Our goal is to inspire them and teach them to be more active, to make the bed, to keep things neat & tidy as well as appreciate everything that we have and not ask for more. Slowly but surely as we reform, our children are learning as well. We are so proud of them :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Simplify Savour & Shave

Being a work at home mom, it's hard to be great in every department. You have lots of ups and downs. When your work and family blend together you are forced to be more organized, even when you don't have any idea where to start... so here we go!

During this journey I will be sharing attempts to balance work, children & marriage through the trials & tribulations of different adventures. (And with the help of wonderful applications out there and inspiring blogs that I have stumbled on over the past year or so.)

It was hard to think of a name for the blog, but three simple thoughts popped into my head, so we're running with it. Simplify, Savour & Shave...

SIMPLIFY: We are in the process of trying to SIMPLIFY several things in our life to make room for the new. Always makes you feel better to purge and let go of the clutter. Sure this is easy for most people, but it is especially hard for me since I come from a line of pack rats in the family. Not sure I can overcome it, but am looking forward to challenge!

SAVOUR: Most nights I'm up working late to allow for more time with the kids during the day, I try to SAVOUR every moment I have with my children and truly appreciate each and every client I have no matter how large or small the account. Collectively they keep me working full time and allow me to have a child friendly schedule during these cherished moments in life. Everything passes by so quickly it's hard to hold onto some things, and notice every little detail.

And last... SHAVE: (which should probably be first) Finding time for each other. My husband used to always get the last 15 minutes of time and energy I had after the long day, but over the past 7-8 months we have found creative ways to make more time for each other and find "us" again in the middle of this wonderful chaotic chapter of our lives called Parenthood. And even though he loves me just the way I am, I try to always remember to SHAVE my legs, because you never know when you'll have 5 minutes alone :)

So the journey begins... the baby is attempting to eat rice puffs, our daughter is getting a bath, the presidential address is about to come on the TV, and here I sit at the computer still. Time to log off for the night and get ready to read the kids a couple of books, change diapers, get the Trader Joes Brownies out of the oven and finally relax for the evening once the kids are in bed...